Other Useful Videos
I often record videos for different stakeholders, including research schools and multi-academy trusts. I thought it would be good to add this collection to the website
NCETM’s 5 Big Ideas – the research supporting them
If your school is interested in the NCETM’s 5 big ideas, then this video serves as a brief introduction to them,. It offers pause points for your department or team to discuss aspects of it. If you do this as a dept, it should take under an hour to complete and discuss.
One of the EEF’s research schools asked me to create this video for school leaders (i.e. non-maths specialists) who are interested in learning more about the “Teaching for Mastery approach” advocate by the NCETM. This is an interactive video with various references to research that includes pause points to give leadership time to learn about the key points of “mastery” as well as time to reflect on how leadership support and develop their maths departments.
Teaching for mastery – Presentation for school leaders
Get the first mark! How to approach GCSE maths exams
This video was shared just 3 days before the first GCSE Maths paper in 2022 and got over 2700 views in those 3 days. I think it offers great advice to pupils on how to approach the exam. This could be shown to pupils in lessons at any stage in year 11, or as a year-group assembly perhaps to offer pupils the opportunity to consider their mentality when undertaking a maths exam.